Red Labour and the Green Belt

Talking about running with ‘the hares and the hounds’ the leader of the Labour Party is trying to garner votes for the impending election, next year, by promising everything to everyone.

Not long ago the Labour Party were professing great partisanship for the protection of the Green Belt from those nasty developers who deign to want to make a profit by building homes.

Although I agree in principal that every avenue must be explored to help bridge the housing shortage deficit, I am having trouble (along with many others) trusting the word of a person who, not too long ago, was an avid supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, his mantra, and his acolytes.

The fiercely left-wing zealots who make up Momentum have not gone away and if the great British electorate are so naïve to believe that the Labour Party has ‘had a Road to Damascus’ moment they are going to find out the full horror of their folly if they vote for them.

I have been calling for a root and branch reform of the planning process for eons now, but you know what the old adage says, ‘canvass in poetry and rule in prose’.

Although his soundbite ‘build don’t block’, is music to my ears, frankly, as Oprah Winfrey’s philosopher, Dr. Maya Angelou, would say, “when people tell you who they are, believe them the first time!”