The vexed subject of Stamp Duty has been leaked and will no doubt appear prominently in the Chancellor’s mini-budget on Friday

Playing with Stamp Duty rates has been the pastime of many former Chancellors over the past 8 years, ever since the hapless Osborne decided to convert the system from a ‘slab-sided’ to a ‘sliced’ version in 2014. The rates at the higher end, particularly for people with more than one house and then more recently, of foreign origin, are now 17% and for a long while these changes resulted in a lower tax-take for the Treasury, quite apart from the distorting effect that it had on the number of sales which took place. Continue reading

ELIZABETH II – The greatest statesperson the world has seen for over a hundred years

We have lost more than just a monarch. Elizabeth II represented something far beyond the trappings of royalty embodied in one mortal being.  Her absolute dedication to duty, her regal bearing, and her steadfast adherence to British values, instead of trends, distinguished her as probably the most revered statesperson in the world for a hundred years.

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