Who’s in favour of home buying reservation agreements?

The government has announced that it will trial ‘reservation agreements’ this year. Although this is an admirable move, it is not clear as to how these will work in practice.

The principle is sound, in that buyer and seller both need ‘skin in the game’, when they have agreed on a deal and the conveyancing work is processed through their respective solicitors. Continue reading

A Mixed Bag For Property

This has been an interesting year for residential property. While certain value ranges have experienced reasonable activity, others have been dormant.

The reality is that Brexit has not had the cataclysmic effect on sentiments that was presumed and predicted. The main influence has been on mortgage interest rates; these have been reasonably stable to date and by the look of things, will continue in this vein. That is, of course, apart from any tweaks that Mr. Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, may be forced to impose during 2019 if inflation continues to rise. Continue reading