What a disastrous election result not only for the Tory’s but for Britain

We are now left with a Government in office but not in power. I’m afraid it was the battle of the manifestoes and Disney triumphed over reality!

I thought that the British electorate would see through the thinly veiled Labour Manifesto as the modern version of ‘Willy Wonker’s Chocolate Factory’ with more bribes than you can ‘shake a stick at’, but you know what they say about ‘fooling all the people all the time’! Since Mr. Corbyn was never going to get power, he was going to use the age-old trick of ‘handing out the sweeties’ to grab the youth vote and by golly they came in droves, like lemmings.

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Capital Gains Tax on ones Personal, Private, Residences (PPR) above £5million is being ‘floated’ by the Torys

The press has mooted the idea of Capital Gains Tax on ones PPR above £5million. Usually in these circumstances there is no ‘smoke without fire’. Were this ‘fool hardy’ idea to be incorporated in the first Budget of the new Tory administration, were they to be elected, this would be the first time that any government has had the temerity to trounce on the sacred ground of the middle to upper classes. It unquestionably would be another ‘bash’ against London residents, which, lets face it, is hardly a Tory heartland, since it is has been historically left leaning.
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How to reduce that awful Stamp Duty Tax

We all know that a number of years ago, the former Chancellor Osborne hiked Stamp Duty (SDLT) rates for properties above £900,000 and this has now caused a DIY recession in the London Residential Property Market, such that turnover of sales is down by 70% and values by about 25% from the former highs of 2014.

In some sectors the market is stodgy and illiquid. What did Osborne expect?
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