Is the UK housing market broken?

With the the Government’s White Paper now having been released lets take a look at some common sense solutions to this much-vexed subject which, after all, is a political ‘hot potato’ and a main plank of the Tory Manifesto.

In short, Cameron’s belief was in the ‘buying revolution’ and May’s, it appears, is in the ‘renting revolution’. Both served their own purpose and form an important part of affordable housing requirement which is so necessary to fulfil the social aspirations of a caring Conservative government with a left wing ‘twinge’, or any other government for that matter.
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President Trump will be good for Britain

Trump’s presidency will undoubtedly set the American economy alight. His predecessor has presided over subdued growth that has been attenuated by suffocating regulation, high corporate taxation and ‘big government’ which is why growth in the USA is presently 2% and not more, despite an unprecedented amount of Quantitative Easing. Continue reading