The Economy Is Shrinking, Construction And Manufacturing Are Failing And We Should Blame All This On The Hiatus Before The Referendum……..So The Government Would Have Us All Believe

I think that the Chancellor must believe that the British Electorate have all just ‘come off the onion boat’ and that we are too stupid to make sense of what is going on. For instance, economic/political factors which affect the Construction Industry take many, many months to work themselves through the system and here the government is blaming the uncertainty of Brexit on the fact that there is less residential construction now, than before.  I put it to you, is this anything to do with the fact that during the omni-shamble Budgets/Autumn Statements over the past few years, the Stamp Duty levels have increased by 70% to over 100%? Continue reading

For the government to blame the increase in unemployment on Brexit worries is so fatuous as to be laughable

You don’t have to be a Keynesian* economics major to understand that unemployment is a lagging indicator that takes many, many, months for changes in economic factors to manifest themselves and given that the Referendum has only been formerly confirmed in the last few months, it is inconceivable that this is to blame for the downturn in the Economy.

You could say that the Economy is slowing since it is being affected by international factors where other world economies are also shrinking where unemployment is one of the first casualties and this would be credible. Continue reading

Should The Taxpayer Be Funding The Government’s Propaganda Campaign To Remain In The EU Or Is It An Outrageous And Inexcusable, Partisan Misspent Expenditure?

Anyone who has ‘half a brain in their heads’ would be able to realise that the Prime Minister and Chancellor’s political careers are indivisibly tied to the outcome of the Referendum vote in June.  Therefore, when we see unbridled enthusiasm to ‘Remain’ this means, in effect, ‘Please allow me to remain in my job for a little longer with my dignity intact.’

Anxiety amongst the pro-Europe camp of the Government is increasing, as the odds of Brexit are in the ascendancy and perhaps a reality, which is probably why the Government is choosing to write to every Household in the UK, at the taxpayers expense, extolling the virtues of remaining in the EU.

This is an outrageous and unwarranted waste of taxpayer’s money and should be considered so, by the public at large.

In the alternative, if the Government wanted to use this vehicle to overcome the apathy of voters in a neutral fashion, in order to encourage them to vote on June 23rd, one way or another, this would be perfectly acceptable.  The incidental benefit to the ‘Remain’ case with a higher turn-out, could be excused, which is in sharp contrast to the ‘overtly partisan’ leaflet that is being sent to households across the UK.

I know that the Prime Minister and the Chancellor mean well, but ‘Remain’ should be ‘remain in their jobs’ since as we all know, if the decision goes against them and we come out of Europe, both of these esteemed politicians will have to resign and this is what they fear beyond anything else.

Lesson one in Life; “don’t forget to read between the lines!”

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