Everything You Need To Know About ‘Brexit’ but was afraid to ask

Q: Why does it appear as though the Prime Minister and Chancellor are ‘fighting for their lives’ and seem to be going to ludicrous measures to ‘drum home’ the Remain case, even as far as bringing up the spectre of a ‘European War’ if Brexit wins?

A: Their jobs and reputations rest squarely on winning the Referendum. They would both suffer a premature and ignominious end to their illustrious careers if the result goes against them, since they have been planning this campaign for more than a year or so and it is now more to do with this, than whether the UK will be better off inside the EU.

Q:  The Prime Minister and Chancellor are now extolling the imaginary horrors of Brexit, but not four months ago – whilst they were negotiating the terms with Brussels, they seemed ambivalent about the matter.  What has changed in the interim? Continue reading

The Economy Is Shrinking, Construction And Manufacturing Are Failing And We Should Blame All This On The Hiatus Before The Referendum……..So The Government Would Have Us All Believe

I think that the Chancellor must believe that the British Electorate have all just ‘come off the onion boat’ and that we are too stupid to make sense of what is going on. For instance, economic/political factors which affect the Construction Industry take many, many months to work themselves through the system and here the government is blaming the uncertainty of Brexit on the fact that there is less residential construction now, than before.  I put it to you, is this anything to do with the fact that during the omni-shamble Budgets/Autumn Statements over the past few years, the Stamp Duty levels have increased by 70% to over 100%? Continue reading

For the government to blame the increase in unemployment on Brexit worries is so fatuous as to be laughable

You don’t have to be a Keynesian* economics major to understand that unemployment is a lagging indicator that takes many, many, months for changes in economic factors to manifest themselves and given that the Referendum has only been formerly confirmed in the last few months, it is inconceivable that this is to blame for the downturn in the Economy.

You could say that the Economy is slowing since it is being affected by international factors where other world economies are also shrinking where unemployment is one of the first casualties and this would be credible. Continue reading