The Stamp Duty Reforms In The Autumn Statement Will Cost The Government Hugely

I am all for reforms in the Stamp Duty process and, in fact, have been lobbying for years to have the system reformed so that it was not so ‘slab sided’.  So hooray to the Treasury since the £2million threshold hitherto had stopped any sales from £2-£2.5million which was getting ridiculous.

The only problem is to the Treasury SDLT is like a ‘golden goose’ laying ‘golden eggs’ that are easy to harvest.  They increased the Stamp Duty rates in the 2012 Budget by 40% and 300%(for corporate purchases) that significantly curtailed the market place in the higher ranges (each sale that didn’t take place cost the Treasury money). Continue reading

Tessa Jowell and her Empty Home Tax is ill Fated and Doomed

The aspiring Tessa Jowell and her mayoral aspirations are reflected in her latest epistle in the Independent newspaper recently about recommending local councils impose a tax on empty homes if they remain so for more than 6 months.

Does she really think that reasonably intelligent people buy homes that are non-income-producing and leave them empty just to take advantage of the capital gain?  If they do, they are stupid! Continue reading

His Lordship, Sir Peter Mandelson And His ‘Dissing’ Of Labour’s Mansion Tax

And there we were thinking that Mr. Mandelson was just a ‘hob knobbing’, ‘champagne socialist’ before his pronouncement on Mansion Tax as daft, crass and ineffective.

He is absolutely right you know and it is typical of the two ‘Eds’ and their penchant for stealing other parties policies without giving the matter much pre-thought ! Continue reading