How can the Scotland issue possibly affect the property market in the UK?

How can the Scotland issue possibly affect the property market in the UK?

The connection here is very current and could be predicted. Already the Pound is cascading due to international market uncertainty about the Scottish devolution issue.  Unanswered questions remain, such as:

What will happen to the Scottish share of the National Debt? Continue reading

Latest BOE Announcement To Restrict Mortgages To 4.5 Times Salary In Order To Cool The Property Market

The BOE’s announcement today is a laudable pursuit but I’m not sure that they are not ‘behind the game’.

Let me explain….. the historic multiple of earnings for a family was based on one income earner and over the last twenty years, due to the changed modern lifestyle, both husbands/wives/partners both bring in earnings and, therefore, this multiple could be allowed to rise and still be seen to be a responsible action. Continue reading

UK Inflation At 1.5 % Undershoots Previous Predictions And Will Keep Interest Rates Low For Longer

According to the latest Office For National Statistics inflation in May has fallen to 1.5% assisted by a fall in food prices and lower fuel costs.  This is much lower than the BOE/Mark Carney had previously predicted and it’s the lowest level for 4 1/2 years.  If it falls any further it may even trigger a letter of apology from the BOE to the Chancellor for dropping below the indicated level of 2%. Continue reading