Red Labour and the Green Belt

Talking about running with ‘the hares and the hounds’ the leader of the Labour Party is trying to garner votes for the impending election, next year, by promising everything to everyone.

Not long ago the Labour Party were professing great partisanship for the protection of the Green Belt from those nasty developers who deign to want to make a profit by building homes. Continue reading

They’re not making any more of it and the little that exists isn’t being built upon – the thorny issue of housing

A developer, as the old joke goes, is just an estate agent without the sense of humour. And who can blame them for being miserable? The residential housing crisis lurches from tragedy to farce to disaster, and back. Meanwhile, no one’s making any more land, leaving millions of renters and stay-with-parenters light years away from their own roof over their heads.

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With the demise of DIY estate agency, one company, Glentree, is breaking the mould by the use of innovative strategic meetings and are producing some stunning results.

Now that we’re in an age where the espresso coffee machine operator is called a Barista, shop assistants can be ‘customer relations and finance co-ordinators’ and delivery drivers are ‘distribution operatives’, perhaps it’s time to rename the humble estate agent. Appropriate monikers could be ‘miracle worker’, ‘psychic predictor of market fluctuations’ or preferably, ‘herder of cats’. Let’s face it, an agent on a contingency fee basis can work for weeks, months and possibly years struggling to achieve the terms which are acceptable to the seller, even if, at times, this is a figment of their ambitious imagination. As they (should) say in property sales, “knitting water would be easier”. Continue reading