Stop Clobbering The Rich

As ridiculous as it is kicking the rich is a very attractive sport at the moment and the Lib Dems (aided and abetted by the Labour Party who do not want to be left out of the game) are spearheading the charge.

It is absolutely clear, as night follows day, that there seems to be an unseemly scrabble between Labour and the Lib Dems for the left wing mantel to try to establish a perceptible difference between them and the Tory Party. Continue reading

Vince Cables Land Tax Grab – What Do We All Think Of This?

Bless him; our somewhat elderly (perhaps scholarly) Trade Minister, I think, has exceeded his ‘sell by date’ by a good margin.  I think the nurse needs to come and administer the medicine.

Land Tax, have we not been there before with rates?  This system was reformed by the Tory’s to create the Council Tax since each person has a responsibility for paying towards local community services rather than just the landowner. Continue reading