It’s official – Osborne’s outrageous Stamp Duty hikes are costing the UK £1billion per annum!

The ‘reasons’ underpinning the former Chancellor’s draconian hikes on Stamp Duty in the autumn Budget of 2014 are widely known. Now, we can see that the full devastating and distorting effects on the Residential Property Market have come to pass, particularly in London. Quelle surprise!

Pour yourself a strong fortifying beverage before reading on

You’d better pour yourself a strong fortifying beverage before reading on. With prices down by 25% and activity deflated by a disastrous 70%, certain sectors of the market are practically gridlocked. Frustratingly, this DIY recession is self-imposed, costing the Treasury and UK taxpayer £1billion per annum and rising.
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Forget Eggs and Bacon, its Bratwurst and ‘Sour-Kraut’ for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Forget Eggs and Bacon, its Bratwurst and ‘Sour-Kraut’ for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

According to the Governor of the Bank of England, a ‘no deal’ Brexit will manifest a 35% drop in residential values – ‘hogwash’ I say!

Oh dear, the incorrigible ‘remainian’ Mr. Mark ‘Carnage’, who can’t get over himself, is pontificating again about a 35% drop in residential values, were there to be a ‘no deal’ Brexit. What is this man smoking, since we all want a drag! Continue reading

Trevor Abrahmsohn gives his 2018 predictions on the stock market, inflation, UK politics, the property market and more…

Trevor Abrahmsohn, Founder and Managing Director of Glentree International, gives his predictions for 2018, covering topics including inflation, the Pound, the stock market, property, UK politics and the World Cup.

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