Clarkson need not have been sacked …how crass …there was a far better way!

We all know that the BBC had a dilemma with the ‘enfant terrible’ Jeremy Clarkson.

Anyone who can breath air, knows that this man is a walking ‘time bomb, however his explosive spontaneity must be the reason why Top Gear is one of the most popular and saleable TV shows in the world and certainly catapulted what would have been an otherwise a narrow interest and pedestrian car review Show into a fun packed entertainment for the whole family.

There was a far better way to reprimand him and to make sure justice reigned supreme. This was by means of a hefty financial penalty, likened to fines imposed on errant and wayward football players in the premier league. Continue reading

Will the premature curtailment of the Funding for Lending Scheme put pressure on the Banks and Building Societies to push up mortgage rates?

The reason why The Funding for Lending Scheme was brought in 2012 was driven by the BOE and the governments desire to free up the backlog of lending to consumers that may have been holding back the property market, and lending generally to business, that was affecting growth in the UK. Continue reading