Peter Hain – stomping on sacred ground

Ever since Magna Carta, the judiciary has reigned supreme. This is by common consent and has protected the sacred notion of democracy for over 800 years. Nothing or no one should ever supercede this.

As the Chinese proverb goes, we live in dangerous times. Because when parliament exceeds the judiciary, we effectively have a dictatorship.

Whether you think Sir Philip Green is an odious, bullying racist is irrelevant. For reasons we don’t know, three Appeal Court judges granted him a Non-Disclosure Agreement, a frequent occurrence in celebrityville. Many famous (and probably infamous) individuals have taken out these cast-iron super-injunctions; Green isn’t the first and as the truism goes, will definitely not be the last. Continue reading

The sycophantic relationship between the USA and Saudi Arabia, as revealed to me by President Gorbachev

President Gorbachev and Trevor Abrahmsohn

Received wisdom is that the Cold War ended in the early 80s, when Ronald Reagan announced his Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI, Star Wars Initiative). It was a quantum leap in nuclear defence and light years ahead of Soviet weapons technology.

The impact was such that it forced the Russians to reconsider their strategic defence; we all know what happened next and ultimately, they ‘threw in the (radioactive) towel’.

However, there is a problem. It is not quite the truth. Continue reading

The Chancellor’s Autumn Budget 2018

There were few Tax changes in today’s Budget, in respect of SDLT, for the Residential Property Market.

Of the few measures put forward, was the £500million for the Housing Infrastructure Fund, which according to Mr. Hammond will allow another 650,000 homes to be built. Although this sounds dramatic, if it is spread across many fiscal years, it won’t make much of a difference in order to help fix the ‘broken housing market’. Continue reading