Aide Memoir to Chancellor Hammond, in advance of the autumn Budget, 2018

Dear Chancellor,

I know you have some competing issues to consider at the moment, not least of which is finding the resources to meet ‘Maybots’ NHS largesse of £20billion. Nevertheless, for pity’s sake, you must do something about the distorting effect of the existing Stamp Duty regime on the UK Residential Property Market.

Whilst the SDLT changes may have been a laudable aim of the former Chancellor Osborne, to slow the property market down, thereby protecting the housing stock, the measures he used were closer to ‘stingers’ than they were to ‘sleeping policeman’.

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If a Jeremy Corbyn led government was ever to gain power, the exodus of wealth creators from the UK will be less of a ‘brain drain’ from this country and more of a lobotomy

If I may, I’d like to address all those 20-40 year old ‘Labour voting groupies’ who are ‘gooey eyed’, naïve, liberal minded idealists, who, thanks to others, can now take for granted world peace, full employment, foreign travel, a successful, innovative and productive nation, with more strike-free days than any other nation in the G20.
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