‘Maybot’s’ latest edict of 1-3% additional Stamp Duty for foreigners buying property in the UK?

Whilst it is a laudable aim to raise a few hundred million pounds for homeless people, at this critical time for the country, when you want to encourage inward investment, why stick up a notice to foreign investors, ‘we’re closed for your business’?

Clearly, the Tory Party are so worried about the existing paltry housing stock, that they want to stop non UK residents ‘pecking away’ at it.

This demonstrates how poorly they understand why we have a broken housing market. It’s all about supply and not about demand! Continue reading

Forget Eggs and Bacon, its Bratwurst and ‘Sour-Kraut’ for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Forget Eggs and Bacon, its Bratwurst and ‘Sour-Kraut’ for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

According to the Governor of the Bank of England, a ‘no deal’ Brexit will manifest a 35% drop in residential values – ‘hogwash’ I say!

Oh dear, the incorrigible ‘remainian’ Mr. Mark ‘Carnage’, who can’t get over himself, is pontificating again about a 35% drop in residential values, were there to be a ‘no deal’ Brexit. What is this man smoking, since we all want a drag! Continue reading

The Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill: another necessary layer of bureaucracy or a needless obstacle to business in these challenging times?

I’m all for certain necessary regulation, whereby orderly business is carried out with a high degree of integrity and due diligence, but often there is a disconnect between over zealous bureaucrats and the need for commerce.

It is quite true, that at one point buying assets in the UK was ‘loose and light’ and un-doubtedly, there was not enough regulation to prevent ‘dirty money’ being exchanged for, say, property in this country. Continue reading