Does A Property For Sale Become Stale Over Time?

If you speak to any layperson, who is selling, they will talk to you about their fears that if their property is on the market for sale too long, it will go ‘stale’.

It is a real source of anxiety for some sellers – yet it is a complete myth to the cognoscenti of the Industry.

Properties on the market do not ‘go stale’ they are simply overlooked, when they are over-priced. Invariably, serious, potential purchasers are not really interested in how long a property has been marketed for, even though they may seek to try and use this against an owner, where the period has been prolonged, in any negotiation. Continue reading

Would a no-deal Brexit be good or bad for the residential property market?

There is much talk today, in the press, about the consequences of a ‘no deal’ on Brexit, even Dr. Liam Fox has put it down to a 60/40 chance.

The Governor of the Bank of England (BOE), Mr. Carney, has increased Interest Rates, probably because he believes that, on balance, the Brexit deal will happen and therefore, the control of inflation is more important today, than anything else, when the ‘sluice gates open’ on public sector wage increases and their knock on effect on the private sector. Continue reading

How the recent hot weather could cause a tsunami of subsidence claims for insurance companies

Breaking news! With the unprecedented hot summer this year, there will undoubtedly be an avalanche of subsidence claims so, insurance companies look out, there could be a tsunami coming your way!

Does anyone remember the scorching hot summer of 1976? If you do, you will recall that months or years later, this was followed by an avalanche of subsidence claims, with regard to the movement of the foundations of properties, as a result of the sub-soil drying out. Continue reading