The ‘Gaff Prone’ Mr. Carney Is ‘At It’ Again … Do We Think He Is Worth £870,000 Per Annum?

I wonder whether we are getting good value for our £870,000 per annum that we, the taxpayer, are ‘forking out’ for our esteemed Governor of The Bank of England Mr. Carney? Mmmm … rhetorical!

Ever since he has been ‘airlifted’ into the job, he has misread the Inflation and interest rate predictions by such a margin that he could be deemed amateuristic at best or reckless at worst. Continue reading


As we all know, the Chancellor of the then coalition government introduced penal Stamp Duty rates in the Autumn Statement of 2014, at the higher end of the property market, whilst at the same time gave away ‘Tax bribes’ at the lower end of the scale. This was done to supposedly reform the Stamp Duty Calculator from a hitherto ‘slab-sided’ system to a more ‘progressive version’ and to demonstrate that they could tax the ‘middle/upper classes’ just as easily as an aspiring Labour government could, with their Mansion Tax proposals at the time. Continue reading