Has Mr. Cameron covered himself in glory in his negotiations with the European ‘Bigwigs’? Is it enough to satisfy the Euro-sceptics of the Nation to vote to stay in?  Is ‘Project fear’, in full swing?

These are the questions ‘swirling around’ the boardrooms and living rooms of the great UK voting populace.

In the past, I have been proud for Mr. Cameron to do the bidding for the UK on the International stage, but I fear, this time, he has been the architect of his own misfortunes by foolishly setting out beforehand, in great detail, the extent of his requirements from Europe, in order for him to advocate staying in. Continue reading

Buy to Flip Mortgages

As with a number of these novel financial products they are usually a little behind the game. Let me explain; there is an uneasy feeling amongst developers and investors alike that speculative acquisitions bought in London could be in line for a bruising.

A survey of the various show flats of a number of new developments across London will demonstrate that buyers in certain price ranges are ‘thin on the ground’, particularly, at the higher price range and discounts from asking prices are more the ‘order of the day’ than anything else. Continue reading

The Worst of All Worlds!

As we drag ourselves into the year 2016 from all the festive cheer over the Christmas break what does the Residential Property Market have in store for us?

The Chancellor’s ill thought out Tax changes concerning Stamp Duty have now served to polarise the Residential Market (certainly in the Capital) whereby in the sector up to £700,000 the market is booming and, in contrast to this, properties from £2million upwards are struggling and even more so as you go up the financial scale. Continue reading