George Osborne’s Autumn Statement 2015 – A Wish List

When our esteemed Chancellor, George Osborne, stands up at the Ballot Box for his Autumn Statement in the Commons this year this is what we would, ideally, like him to address.

The housing market, particularly in London, is grinding to a halt burdened by the huge weight of the SDLT charges that were imposed in last year’s Autumn Statement. Continue reading

David Cameron’s Latest Missives About kick Starting More Homes In The UK may be ‘A Eureka Moment’

You have to hand it to the man he is trying to fill the political vacuum that Worzel Gummage (the leader of the Labour Party) has created and what more important topic could he have found to attack than the desperate lack of new housing in the UK?

Invariably the Planning Departments of Councils across the UK have a left wing bent and, hitherto, social housing for rent has been a pre-requisite to a successful planning consent for private housing development. Continue reading

With the Chinese markets in turmoil and the world capital markets in freefall, how is the UK Property market affected?

After years of unrelenting growth, the long awaited correction in the Chinese Shanghai Composite Index has taken place with its predictable effect on the rest of the world.  How surprised should we be, as it has risen by 150% in one year and has now lost 43% of its value since June?

China, for their own judicious reasons, has been overstating its meteoric growth for the past ten years and, as we all know, the climb to be the ‘largest economy on earth’, is beset with obstacles. Continue reading