What would the Residential Property Market be like with Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister?

In all likelihood, on September 12th, Jeremy Corbyn, the cheerleader of the Left and Trotskyites, will be voted, overwhelmingly, as leader of Her Majesty’s Shadow Government without even needing to go through a second round contest. He is an unashamed hard line Socialist and it is evident that he appeals to the Left Wing supporters in the Labour Party who have scant regard for electoral popularity or, in fact, the reasons why the Labour Party won three notable Elections in the past. Continue reading

Immigration Bill: Now Landlords ‘must evict’ illegal immigrants

Some of Greg Clark’s (Communities Secretary) initiatives to give landlords the power to evict illegal immigrants makes a good deal of sense since if you are involved in this debacle life can be ‘hell’ in trying to get vacant possession back again.

This is consistent with the Tory governments cleansing of ‘red tape’ which the previous Labour administration have shown a great ability to ‘spew out’. Continue reading

Are interest rates on their way up? How will this affect the Residential Property market?

We all heard that Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, feels that inflation is ‘in the system’ even though the headline figures are at an all time low.

His concern is derived from the tightening of the Labour Market that is pushing wage costs northwards particularly in the private sector and the impact of this on inflation. Has he read the latest Treasury figures since last month when there was a slight rise in unemployment although it could be a ‘blip’.  The world oil price is still quite low and will remain so for some time to come (thanks to Fracking and the world slump), therefore, this will not, for the moment, conspire to increase inflation. Continue reading