His Lordship, Sir Peter Mandelson And His ‘Dissing’ Of Labour’s Mansion Tax

And there we were thinking that Mr. Mandelson was just a ‘hob knobbing’, ‘champagne socialist’ before his pronouncement on Mansion Tax as daft, crass and ineffective.

He is absolutely right you know and it is typical of the two ‘Eds’ and their penchant for stealing other parties policies without giving the matter much pre-thought ! Continue reading

The Two Ed’s Mansion Tax Proposal is even more inane than you would imagine. It will be the first time anyone in the world would want to tax debt rather than equity!

As we all know the Mansion Tax, as proposed, is a wealth tax by any other name and is not designed to raise any money for the NHS but simply to court populism. It has never worked in any part of the world but this does not stop the Ed’s ‘bandwagon of envy’!

In the meantime it is already badly affecting the residential market with far fewer transactions at a time when the government need as much revenue by way of SDLT to dent the deficit. Continue reading