What should we wish for from the Chancellor in his Autumn Budget 2017?

The ‘broken housing market’ must be the biggest issue not only for the Chancellor but for the government and for the Country at large. There is much talk about reducing Stamp Duty, at the lowest level, which could further stimulate the market and in doing so, exacerbate the interests of the already moribund first time buyer who would be in a greater parlous state than at present, if Help-to-Buy is not significantly expanded at the same time. Continue reading

We are a proud, competent nation, which has changed the world in many ways… Lets stop ‘bashing’ the UK and start flying the flag

Although I was not born in Britain, I am very proud and privileged to have lived and worked in this country for many years and I get so irritated by the ‘Remainers’ who cannot get over the fact that the Great British Public voted for Brexit in the Referendum and still feel that the only way for us to succeed, is to continue to hide under the ‘apron strings’ of the European Community.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

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