What should we wish for from the Chancellor in his Autumn Budget 2017?

The ‘broken housing market’ must be the biggest issue not only for the Chancellor but for the government and for the Country at large. There is much talk about reducing Stamp Duty, at the lowest level, which could further stimulate the market and in doing so, exacerbate the interests of the already moribund first time buyer who would be in a greater parlous state than at present, if Help-to-Buy is not significantly expanded at the same time. Continue reading

Interest rates up, for the first time in 10 years!

For the first time in 10 years, Mark Carney and his ‘merry men’ at the Bank of England have decided to put Interest Rates up to ½%, which is where they were before the Referendum last year.

If you remember, they dropped the rates when the unexpected Brexit result was known, in order to stabilise the markets and also promised to support the Pound where necessary.

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Capital Gains Tax on ones Personal, Private, Residences (PPR) above £5million is being ‘floated’ by the Torys

The press has mooted the idea of Capital Gains Tax on ones PPR above £5million. Usually in these circumstances there is no ‘smoke without fire’. Were this ‘fool hardy’ idea to be incorporated in the first Budget of the new Tory administration, were they to be elected, this would be the first time that any government has had the temerity to trounce on the sacred ground of the middle to upper classes. It unquestionably would be another ‘bash’ against London residents, which, lets face it, is hardly a Tory heartland, since it is has been historically left leaning.
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