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3 Bedrooms, Armitage Road,  Asking price of £1,900 
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2 Bedrooms, ,  Guide Price £825,000 
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2 Bedrooms, London,  Asking price of £870,000 
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2 Bedrooms, London,  Asking price of £1,250,000 
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3 Bedrooms, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £1,425,000 
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Wildwood Road, ,  Asking price of £1,595,000 
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3 Bedrooms, Armitage Road,  Asking price of £1,750,000 
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3 Bedrooms, Temple Fortune,  Asking price of £1,750,000 
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3 Bedrooms, Hampstead Garden Suburb,  Asking price of £2,030,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker8, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker8, "mouseout", function (e) { iw8.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker8, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos8);var markerPos9 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.581417,-0.175056); var marker9 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos9, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '97212'});var iw9 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
Lytton Close, ,  Asking price of £2,095,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker9, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker9, "mouseout", function (e) { iw9.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker9, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos9);var markerPos10 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.580295,-0.182287); var marker10 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos10, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '97895'});var iw10 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
Cotman Close, ,  Asking price of £2,250,000 
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Hill Top, ,  Guide Price £2,300,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker11, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker11, "mouseout", function (e) { iw11.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker11, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos11);var markerPos12 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.568355,-0.183559); var marker12 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos12, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '98778'});var iw12 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
3 Bedrooms, London,  Guide Price £2,350,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker12, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker12, "mouseout", function (e) { iw12.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker12, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos12);var markerPos13 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.572586,-0.200864); var marker13 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos13, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '98783'});var iw13 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
3 Bedrooms, Armitage Road,  Asking price of £2,600,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker13, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker13, "mouseout", function (e) { iw13.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker13, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos13);var markerPos14 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.565826,-0.196831); var marker14 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos14, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '98777'});var iw14 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
3 Bedrooms, 1B Hodford Road,  Asking price of £2,750,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker14, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker14, "mouseout", function (e) { iw14.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker14, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos14);var markerPos15 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.573375,-0.187933); var marker15 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos15, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '93747'});var iw15 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
Heath Close, ,  Guide Price £2,795,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker15, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker15, "mouseout", function (e) { iw15.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker15, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos15);var markerPos16 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.580917,-0.180308); var marker16 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos16, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '96657'});var iw16 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
Meadway, ,  Guide Price £3,250,000 
" });google.maps.event.addListener(marker16, "mouseover", function (e) {, this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker16, "mouseout", function (e) { iw16.close(map, this); });google.maps.event.addListener(marker16, 'click', function() { if ($('#map_' > 0 ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#map_'}, 2000); }else{ //Make Ajax cal to get the DIV var i = new ajaxVars; i.incModule = "common"; i.vars["action"] = "runFunction"; i.vars["func"] = "getPropDiv"; i.vars["nosplit"] = 1; i.vars["type"] = 'all'; i.vars["from_price"] = '0'; i.vars["to_price"] = '10000001'; i.vars["orderBy"] = 'ASC'; i.vars["page"] = selPage; i.vars["rental"] = ''; i.vars["location"] = ''; i.vars["latest"] = ''; i.vars["latestFlag"] = ''; i.vars["showFav"] = '0'; i.vars["sold"] = '0'; i.vars["id"] =; i.fnVars["id"] =; i.gotoFunction = "propDivAdd"; i.AjaxPostSQL() }});bounds.extend(markerPos16);var markerPos17 = new google.maps.LatLng(51.573375,-0.187933); var marker17 = new google.maps.Marker({ position: markerPos17, map: map,icon: mapIconGreen,id: '96494'});var iw17 = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: "
Heath Close, ,  Guide Price £3,500,000 
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Willifield Way, ,  Guide Price £3,750,000 
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Holne Chase, ,  Guide Price £4,000,000 
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Turners Wood, ,  Guide Price £4,950,000 
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Winnington Close, ,  Asking price of £6,500,000 
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Canons Close, ,  Asking price of £7,000,000 
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The Bishops Avenue, ,  Guide Price £7,000,000 
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Ingram Avenue, ,  Guide Price £8,500,000 
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The Bishops Avenue, ,  Guide Price £12,500,000 
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Courtenay Avenue, Kenwood,  Asking price of £19,500,000 
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Compton Avenue, Highgate,  Guide Price £20,000,000 
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Winnington Road, ,  Asking price of £24,950,000 
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8 Bedrooms, ,  Guide Price £30,000,000 
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